Saturday, 30 April 2016

Lauren - Available from 14/05/16 ~ Pre - Order yours NOW!

The official art work for my 1st Book Lauren, thanks of my fabulously talented sister in law Clare Bowyer!
Remember you can still pre order via kindle and on 14th May 2016 you will be able to buy and read the book from Kindle or purchase a hard copy from amazon!

Thank you all for your support and to the people who have already purchased their kindle copy!

Sunday, 10 April 2016

May the 4th be with you!

On the 4th May my the final manuscript of Lauren - My star in the night sky, needs to be sent to kindle! I am on the home stretch now!

You can pre - order on kindle now ready for...

May 14th when the Kindle addition will go out for general sale, including a paperback version!

#excited #LaurenbyJamesCEllis #Followthatstar #lovingbrother

Pre - order - Lauren, My star in the night sky: click here.

Good night out there whatever you are!